Life is short. Too short.

Okay so there's two ways of how we can do this: 1) we pretend like the last time I posted wasn't two years ago in December or 2) I begin by throwing out the cliche I-wanted-to-post(which is true)-but-was-too-busy-and-occupied-excuse. Which one? Yeah I thought so too, let's go with the first one aye ;)

I've recently experienced two deaths in my extended family, the first back in 2015 (okay not so recent but it feels like just yesterday) where my beloved Grandma passed away and just last night my aunt passed away as well. These deaths made me think, really think; If I were to die right at this moment, will my soul have any regrets? Have I lived life in such a way that if I were to die in this instance, I would die 'ready'? It also made me think of priorities(Like that moment when you procrastinate a homework until the very last minute and suddenly your brain is alive so you're in that full-swing-efficient-mode where you do things that are only necessary) So I began to think about who truly matters, what really matters and who's perception really matters to me.

To answer those questions aforementioned; Yes, If I were to die right now, I would have regrets and no, I haven't lived life in such a way that my soul is always ready to be taken. Recently a friend sent me a video of how we ironically treat those we love, more harshly, maybe it's because we're just too comfortable(with family and close friends) thus we don't see the need to impress them or such. But regardless of our reasons;known or unknown, I reckon non would ever justify our actions. 

Of the many ongoing thoughts I have, the most recent one has led me to think of how crucial it is to separate emotions accordingly. For example, when I have some troubling thoughts that worry and saddens me, the best thing to do when I come to class(yup, still a student) is to leave those thoughts at the door as I come in and later pick them up on my way out. If I do not leave such thoughts linked with emotions at the door, I wouldn't be able to focus in class and if I were to think about them, chances are I wouldn't be able to solve them plus the fact that I would have missed a class for being 'mentally-absent'.

The idea is to not let emotions influence negatively, don't get me wrong I'm not telling you to suppress your emotions, just tame them and keep them under control by being in control. Okay, now to put this concept into our theme today, so let's say you have problems with a close friend(someone who matters to you) causing you to feel depressed, confused and basically not in the right state of mind. If in this situation you fail to separate your negative emotions and you bring them with you when you come home to your loved ones(who have nothing to do with your problem) think of how unjust it is for them to be treated ill by you when all they ever did was love you, and I should highlight, they are the ones who are there for you when you are at your lowest and going through a rough patch. So yes, this is the first major lesson that life has taught me coming into this new year. In essence, treat everybody with a new clean sheet ready to be filled with emotions created by you both and not those from others especially if those emotions are negative. 

Life is short, death is certain, we are humans after all, let's treat everyone with respect, kindness and compassion. Good luck in the new year learning what life has to teach you :)


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