One..two..three.. RACE!


Guess who got her driver's licence! 

To be honest I got my driver's licence almost a week ago but I've been too busy to write a post *coughs I dunno why but a typical experience for everyone seems not so ordinary and not so typical for me. I could make a whole story complete with its own plot out of every single experience I go through if I wanted to. So folks, let's hear the story about how I got my driver's license :)

I am the last person on Earth who you'd guess to pass her driver's test on her first try..(Spongebob not included) WHY? I'd freak out and pray so hard every time someone starts to drive a little fast when I'm in the car. I knew nothing about cars before I joined the driving school, like I'm serious here, I didn't even know how to turn on the engine. So it would be ridiculous to ask if I've ever driven a car before.

But.. going to driving school with clear realization that I knew nothing about driving made me take things more seriously..I mean it. On the first day of driving school, the teacher left me to fend for myself after two rounds of couching. But I didn't mind actually because that meant I could drive faster and could turn the air conditioning up. I honestly couldn't believe how well I was doing I couldn't stop smiling all day. 

And before you knew it, I was racing with other people on track! Hehehehe :) I can still recall the adrenaline I felt when I was racing with this dude to see who could do the side park faster.. And nothing can compare with the feeling I felt when I saw him in my rear view mirror. Gosh the feeling was priceless! I tried so hard not to laugh that my tummy hurt. I treated every day at driving school just like it was the day of the test, I took simple things seriously. You name it! Signals, Stopped at every junction and the list goes on. I had it drilled in my head that I was only gonna take the driving test once.

No, things wasn't always easy for me. I did get scold on the first day for not remembering the lengthy step to side park. Even though I knew the teacher was rather harsh I simply smiled when he scolded me. The next day, determined to ace the side park, I asked my friend, Luqman (Thanks sifu, I owe you big time) to whats app me the steps to do the side park bit and I read it every time until I memorized it. And voila! I did it :) I remembered the steps.. The last time I had any driving lessons before the test was about two weeks ago. So yes, I was a bit frantic. I did ask the teacher if he could teach me near the test day but he merely blue ticked me on whats app..well, I decided to assume that meant his schedule was full and no class were available.

So what I did was use my brain power ( alelele poyo hehehe) I would close my eyes and imagine the whole process I had to go through on the big day. I did it a couple of times a day. On the day of the test..On the very hot and long plus tiring day of the test, I didn't feel nervous before I did the whole test on the school's track but mayn.. I went nuts a couple of minutes before the test on the road. Who wouldn't? 90% of the people who went before me came back after 5 minutes with the JPJ driving in the driver's seat. I was horrified. Chances to pass were so slim I began praying and praying... When it was finally my turn.. I went with a heavy heart until I entered the car and realized that the JPJ was really friendly and encouraging. I honestly owe him a lot for my success. I couldn't believe my luck the entire time I was driving. I felt really lucky and blessed I thanked the JPJ guy multiple times while bowing 90 degrees Japanese style *chuckles.. It was the perfect way to end the long day.. 

Good luck with your driving test everybody!

I don't have a picture of myself driving yet so enjoy this picture of my baby brother driving a toy car instead hehehe


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